
饒達仁 教授 & 工研院機械所所長


Dr. Yao is a Professor at Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, also an adjunct Professor at Institute of NanoEngineering and MicroSystems (NEMS), Department of Engineering and System Science, and Department of Physical Education, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. He was born at Taipei, Taiwan in 1969. He received his Ph.D. from Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2001.


03-5742850 djyao(a)mx.nthu.edu.tw google scholar
工程一館 R510 Bio-Medical Thermo-Fluidic Lab Lab video

Lab contact Info: #80633(綜二R804);    Assitant Office: #33756(R429)
